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Happy Forgiving!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 2:26 pm
by Majeed
First, 2 questions for ya: In the unflinching exercise, was there anything about having an audience or echo that was important when repeating the combined sentence?
Am I in the ballpark with this combined sentence? I had cereal for breakfast, and I wasn't allowed to go outside to play like the others.

I have been making a huge error in my thinking. This might be major. It started with the article on how to shift your baseline.
[Forgiving is giving up the right to use, giving up the right to be entitled to use what someone did, or what happened as a reason to do anything.
It’s not easy to give up the right. And it feels dangerous. What if it happens again?
It feels like opening up yourself to a world of hurt.]

So, I started looking at some incidents where I have been holding onto resentment. My faulty thinking- I assume directed by the voice- is that holding onto the resentment will give me protection from what happened.
However, it is Ego, I think, that keeps the entitlement in place. It’s probably the: ‘how could they do this to me?’

Dropping resentment doesn’t make me vulnerable to any one of those incidents where I claimed to be a victim. Not being present does.
Like if I was bitten by a snake, it would behoove me to keep my eyes open instead of resenting snakes.
This seems connected to my boulder- ‘living in a hurry.’
The same way I can give up resenting others, I can give up resenting where I am and/or how I am. In which there would be no need for the ‘shoulds’

If my combined sentence is in order then I have my work orders.

Re: Happy Forgiving!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:03 pm
by Sophie
Majeed wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 2:26 pm First, 2 questions for ya: In the unflinching exercise, was there anything about having an audience or echo that was important when repeating the combined sentence?
Am I in the ballpark with this combined sentence? I had cereal for breakfast, and I wasn't allowed to go outside to play like the others.

I have been making a huge error in my thinking. This might be major. It started with the article on how to shift your baseline.
[Forgiving is giving up the right to use, giving up the right to be entitled to use what someone did, or what happened as a reason to do anything.
It’s not easy to give up the right. And it feels dangerous. What if it happens again?
It feels like opening up yourself to a world of hurt.]

So, I started looking at some incidents where I have been holding onto resentment. My faulty thinking- I assume directed by the voice- is that holding onto the resentment will give me protection from what happened.
However, it is Ego, I think, that keeps the entitlement in place. It’s probably the: ‘how could they do this to me?’

Dropping resentment doesn’t make me vulnerable to any one of those incidents where I claimed to be a victim. Not being present does.
Like if I was bitten by a snake, it would behoove me to keep my eyes open instead of resenting snakes.
This seems connected to my boulder- ‘living in a hurry.’
The same way I can give up resenting others, I can give up resenting where I am and/or how I am. In which there would be no need for the ‘shoulds’

If my combined sentence is in order then I have my work orders.
your combined sentence is close, but not dramatic enough. you said something, like I am not good enough, or something like that, for it to be so painful.

But you do have your word order